Synthetic and Natural Diamonds Compared: What's the Difference?

A mesterséges és természetes gyémántok összehasonlítása: mi a különbség? - NOORDIA

Diamond is one of the most valuable and popular gemstones, but due to its price and ethical issues, many people are looking for artificial alternatives . Lab-grown man-made diamonds have become increasingly popular in recent years, and many people are interested in the differences between natural and man-made diamonds . In this article, we will show you the differences between the two.

1. Production process
Natural diamonds are formed over millions of years deep in the earth, under high temperature and pressure.

However, artificial diamonds are produced in a laboratory . During the production process, they work with carbon, using catalysts at high temperature and pressure to create lab-grown diamonds.

2. Price
Price is one of the most obvious differences between the two types. Natural diamonds can be very expensive, and prices depend greatly on their weight, quality, and rarity. Artificial diamonds are available at much more affordable prices than natural stones, but prices can still vary depending on quality and size.

3. Environmental protection
The extraction of natural diamonds involves several environmental problems . During mining, huge masses of soil and rock must be removed, which produces a large amount of waste . In addition, the depletion of mineral resources and the environmental effects of mining, such as deforestation and the deterioration of the living conditions of animals, are also a cause for concern.

The production of artificial diamonds is a much more environmentally friendly method. During the process, less energy is required and there is no danger of harmful emissions, as during the mining of natural diamonds.

diamond mine

4. Ethics
The extraction of natural diamonds is often linked to conflicts that represent human rights abuses , exploitation , and seriously damage the communities that live in the mining areas.

The production of artificial diamonds is completely ethical . The process does not require mining. Lab-grown diamonds are therefore often referred to as "conflict-free" or "sustainable" alternatives.

Our aim is to ensure the possibility of a conscious and responsible choice.

We hope this article has helped shed more light on the differences between synthetic and natural diamonds.

If you want to buy an exceptional and unique piece of jewelry, take a look at NOORDIA's artificial diamond collection .

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NORWAY 💎 lab-grown diamonds, the diamond of the future

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