How are lab-grown diamonds graded?

Hogyan minősítik a laboratóriumban növesztett gyémántokat? - NOORDIA

Laboratory diamonds are graded similar to natural diamonds. During the process, diamonds are evaluated using the 4C criteria : carat, clarity, color and cut. In this blog post, we tell you all about ratings. Stay with us!

1.       carat

When calculating the carat, the weight of the diamond is measured in grams, and the carat value is determined based on this. One carat approx. It means 0.2 grams . Generally, the bigger the carat, the bigger and more spectacular the diamond. 

2.       Clarity

Clarity refers to the transparency and clarity of the mineral . Lab -grown diamonds are generally clearer than natural diamonds , as natural diamonds often contain inclusions .

3.       Color

The color intensity and shade of diamonds is a key factor in their evaluation . Colorless , cooler - toned diamonds have the highest value , while visible yellow or other colored diamonds are priced lower . Yellowish discoloration can most often be traced back to the presence of nitrogen . Lab -grown diamonds are usually colorless , as such diamonds contain few or no nitrogen atoms.

4.       Grinding (Cut):

The cut of diamonds is one of the most important factors that determine the actual value and beauty of a diamond. Cut includes the machining and shape of the diamond, as well as the amount and quality of light it reflects .

Diamonds are usually made up of 57 or 58 facets (small faces) that are of different depths and angles to allow the diamond to reflect the right amount of light. If a diamond is not cut properly, it will not reflect light properly, making it less brilliant and valuable.

Certification of diamonds - Our quality is guaranteed

The origin of our unoccupied diamonds is ensured by authentic certification . During the certification process, an independent, internationally recognized laboratory examines the diamond and issues a certificate of its properties. A microscopic identification code is burned into each piece. In this way, the properties of the gems we buy can be verified anywhere in the world.

This is how we ensure quality for our customers! If you want to learn more about synthetic diamonds , check out our jewelry collections!

NOORDIA 💎 lab-grown diamonds, the diamond of the future

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